CHIBA (TR) – A 70-year-old woman claiming to be a psychic who is in custody in the theft of cash from a cafe owner has been re-arrested in a separate case, reports TBS News (Nov. 1).
According to Chiba Prefectural Police, Hisako Deguchi allegedly stole 160,000 yen in cash from a shelf supporting a Shinto shrine at the residence of a 71-year-old woman in Kimitsu City in September.
The money was placed next the shrine after the victim was told by the suspect that offerings must be made “for the protection of your ancestors.” In following the instructions, the woman placed wrapped bundles of cash next to the shrine.
Deguchi, who became acquainted with the victim three years ago, is believed to have then systematically entered the residence and stolen the offerings, which are believed to have totaled 12 million yen.
Last month, Deguchi was arrested in a similar theft from the 69-year-old female owner of a cafe in Kisarazu City. In announcing the arrest, police said the suspect replaced the cash with newspapers and books.
Once news of her arrest broke, the woman from Kimitsu checked the shelf and found that her cash, too, had been replaced with paper materials.
Police suspect that Deguchi used to same method in swindling other elderly persons.