On July 16, officers took the manager of club Max Body, Keiko Saito, 41, and one other employee into custody for allegedly offering sexual services in violation of the Anti-Prostitution Law.
Of the 31 women enrolled at Max Body, whose ages ranged between 20 and 53, the heaviest weighed in at 155 kilograms, while another, tipping the scales at 80 kilograms, is actively employed as an adult video actress. The average weight of the ladies was 100 kilograms.
The club, located in Taito Ward, is an operation termed “delivery health,” or out-call sex, that dispatches female staff members to waiting customers at their residences or hotel rooms.
Rates at Max Body started at 15,000 yen for the first 60 minutes. According to the club’s Web site, an Oedipus Complex option — for those with maternal inclinations — was available. Since 2010, the club collected 400 million yen in revenue.
A writer with knowledge of the genre tells the tabloid that standards are strict. “If a 90-kilogram woman goes for an interview,” says the writer,” she’ll be told to come back once she crosses over 100 kilograms. As well, her body measurements must also pass the 100-centimeter mark.” (At Max Body, the smallest bust registered 105 centimeters.)
Tokyo Sports says that the services rendered are not conventional. “Her whole body will be on top of the customer, with his face smothered almost to the point of suffocation,” says the aforementioned expert. “I know of one guy who received some small cracks in his ribs. But six months later he returned, fully healed, and made a request for the same girl.”
For paizuri sessions — in which a man is brought to orgasm by having his penis gripped in a woman’s cleavage — a heavy woman cannot be beat, the writer assures. During conventional sex, however, difficulties may arise. “With all that bulk, there is an impression that things are a bit narrow down there,” he says. “For shorter guys there can be an issue as far as entry.”
A 28-year-old woman weighing in at 90 kilograms tells the tabloid that her boyfriend loves her 118-centimeter breast rotund midsection. In addition to paizuri, the couple’s sexual activities include her riding on top. “Sometimes he squeals in pain,” she says. “But for me there are no problems.”
For masturbation, she enjoys using an electric vibrator. “Since my flesh tends to undulate,” she says, “my boyfriend frequently requests that he be able to watch.”
It is probably not surprising to learn that these women are body conscious. Tokyo Sports says that a customer frequenting a hostess clubs or fuzoku joint specializing in full-form gals will have the best chance of taking one of them off the premises if he earnestly praises her substantial shape.
“There is a magical power in heavy women,” concludes the writer. (A.T.)
Source: “Tekihatsu! Debusen fuzoku no maryoku,” Tokyo Sports (July 20)