HYOGO (TR) – A female police officer stationed in Nishinomiya City has resigned following revelations that she engaged in extra-marital affairs with two colleagues, reports Nikkan Sports (May 28).
On Friday, Hyogo Prefectural Police handed the officer, stationed at the Koshien Police Station, a pay cut of 10 percent over a three-month period. However, she chose to resign the same day.
Between August 2019 and February of last year, the officer, 29, regularly engaged in sex with a male head patrol officer, 26, inside a break room for a koban police box and an office of the station.
After ending that affair, she engaged in regular sex with a 33-year-old male sergeant inside a station office between March and May of last year.
The liaisons took place while the officers, all of whom are married, were on duty. Arrangements were made using the smartphone app Line.
“Right and wrong”
The matter emerged through an anonymous tip from within the station. During an inquiry, all three officers admitted to the allegations. “I was unable to distinguish between right and wrong,” the female officer said.
The male officers were issued warnings. On Friday, the head patrol officer also resigned.
The case was not the only one to unfold in the prefecture in 2020. Last March, a male sergeant stationed at the Higashi-Amagasaki Police was disciplined over sex with a colleague inside a koban.
“I offer my deepest apologies to the citizens of the prefecture for the loss of trust due to certain acts by police officers,” said a representative of the Hyogo Prefectural Police.