Suspect denies the allegations, telling police, 'I only took back my money'
Posts tagged as “delivery health”
Business accumulated 1.6 billion yen in sales over five-year period, police said
Suspect told police that he will not comment on the allegations until he speaks with a lawyer
Service threatened to contact employers of victims in getting them to pay
Suspect denies the allegations, telling police, 'I do not at all recall'
Manager denies allegations, telling police, 'I do not recall brokering prostitution'
Police speculated that a portion of their revenue was funneled to a criminal syndicate
Ring dispatched women to 39 fuzoku businesses in Osaka, Kyoto and Shiga prefectures
Three Thai women employed at Shinjuku Manaza allegedly provided full sex to male customers at hotels in the Kabukicho red-light district of Shinjuku Ward earlier in October
Suspects are believed to have demanded that customers agree to various conditions before receiving services