TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested an organized crime member based in Osaka for allegedly concealing employment in order to receive welfare payments, reports TBS News (Oct. 5).
Over a four-year period ending in January, Hajime Hasegawa, a 60-year-old member of the Yamaguchi-gumi, allegedly concealed his part-time work with a construction company in receiving 840,000 yen in welfare payments from a government office in Tokyo’s Adachi Ward.
Hasegawa, who has been charged with fraud, denies the allegations. “My intention was not to receive the payments unjustly,” the suspect is quoted by police.
The 840,000-yen figure was a part of the total of 5.5 million yen the suspect received over that same period, according to TV Asahi (Oct. 5).
As a part of the investigation, police have raided an office of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Osaka.