OSAKA (TR) – Law enforcement here on Friday revealed the arrest of a garbage collector over the cultivation of marijuana in Higashiyodogawa Ward, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Oct. 20).
According to the Kinki Narcotics Control Department, Satoshi Ohashi, the 35, was found to be in possession of 212 grams of marijuana — with a street value of about 1.2 million yen — and 21 hemp plants at his residence in September.
According to police, Ohashi began researching on the internet how to cultivate marijuana with minimal space — the seized plants were under 40 centimeters in height, roughly half of what is typical — about five years ago.
Ohashi also specifically raised the plants such that the content of the chemical that creates a hallucinatory sensation was very high, police said.
“I cultivated it for my own use,” Ohashi was quoted by police. “Up until now, the cannabis I raised was the best ever.” Ohashi was sent to prosecutors at the Osaka District Court on Friday.