KYOTO (TR) – Kyoto Prefectural Police have arrested a former part-time employee at a convenience store in Uji City for allegedly entering a women’s toilet to install a tablet computer for the filming of customers, reports the Sankei Shimbun (July 13).
At approximately 10:30 p.m. on July 7, the employee, 43, entered the restroom and placed an iPad inside a box that was mounted in front of the toilet. The box had a hole such that the lens of the computer was pointed at customers.
The suspect, who has been charged with trespassing, admits to the allegations. “I was overcome by desire,” the suspect is quoted by officer from the Uji Police Station in admitting to the allegations.
The matter came to lighter after a woman, 46, noticed the lens of the iPad inside the box and alerted an employee at the store, who wound up being the suspect.
Police observed the suspect entering the toilet on security camera footage. He told police that he has committed the same crime “roughly 10 times over the past two or three months.”
Police are now considering whether to charge the suspect with violating a public nuisance ordinance.