KANAGAWA (TR) – Government employees with Yokosuka City last week began clean-up work at a so-called “garbage house” whose accumulation of immense amounts of trash outside resulted in complaints from neighbors, reports TV Asahi (Aug. 28).
At just past 9:00 a.m. on August 28, workers began collecting plastic bags of trash from the exterior of the residence, which has been featured on a number of variety and news programs.
In 2015, neighbors began lodging complaints with the city about an offensive smell emanating from the refuse. By November of last year, the garbage pile had increased substantially, spreading out onto the sidewalk such that it encumbered the path of persons going to work and school.
According to the city, the garbage also created an offensive smell, attracted vermin and harmful insects and posed a fire hazard.
When contacted by the city, the occupant explained that the accumulation of trash was “only temporary.” Yet no action was later taken by the dweller.
In April, the city ordered the removal of the rubbish without the permission of the occupant, as allowed under an ordinance covering residential garbage. A field survey was then initiated.
In addition to requesting the removal of the garbage, the city also provided welfare support through the visit of public health nurse. When the occupant failed to respond, their name was posted on the city’s web site.
After that failed to result in action on the part of the occupant, the forced removal of the garbage commenced. The work required three trucks, and the cost was 600,000 yen.
“Since there is a fear that the occupant will allow the garbage to accumulate outside the house again, we will frequently do patrols and request that it not happen,” said Hisano Furuya, the chief of the welfare and general affairs division of the city.
The workers only removed trash from the exterior of the residence. Entering the interior is not allowed under the law, according to the city.