Freelance fuzoku journalist Teruhiko Aoyama tells weekly tabloid Shukan Asahi Geino (June 23) that even before the nuclear incident, some regulars at sex clubs liked to look down on girls and verbally berate them. “Sadistic customers tend to fall in that category,” says the sex scribe, “and now they’ll give girls a hard time when they find out they are from Fukushima.”
It is common for many shops to disclose the hometowns of girls as a means of introduction. Prior to the earthquake, Fukushima locals carried an image of being passionate and nice. Now it is only about radiation. The magazine cites one deri heru (out-call) shop called Umichan in which an exchange regarding a Fukushima gal might go something like, “I forgot her name, but is the radiation here today?”
Fukushima working girls who moved to Tokyo before March 11 and those who came to the capital thereafter are now hiding their origins.
“The fuzoku industry is competitive,” says a reporter of an evening daily responsible for the fuzoku section. “Deri heru shops used to never offer a deep kiss but today that’s a common service. So now, when a (Fukushima) girl tries to give a kiss as a way of a greeting, a customer will refuse. They’ll say the saliva may contain radiation. The ’69’ service is a no-no because love juice may contain radiation, and also no blow-jobs. Some girls have become very hurt by these conditions.”
In one case, a client said to a girl, “What are you going to do from now? Don’t have kids. In Chernobyl, kids became deformed. Yours will be too.”
Fuzoku journalist Aoyama continues, “With hitozuma shops” — that is, establishments staffed by married ladies — “the conversation usually starts off with, ‘How old is your kid?’ Then once it is revealed that she is from Fukushima, they’ll look at her as if she’s really dirty, like trash. Then the client will suddenly ask to change a girl prior to the commencement of service. Some guys will even file a complaint with the shop.”
One out-call girl from Fukushima was told by a client to wash her hair because the thought of radiation was making it difficult for him to get hard.
Some managers are suggesting that girls lie and say they are from Akita or Yamagata prefectures, but the slight difference in accents makes that challenging.
A female employee at a hitozuma shop tells the magazine that the sight of Prime Minister Kan on television makes her sick. While she was lucky to win temporary housing, she adds, “You still have to pay utility bills. I was hoping that donations would cover that but I haven’t received anything yet. I am a single mom. This has left me with no choice but to work at a fuzoku shop. But in being from Fukushima, I get mistreated.
“Politicians are only concerned about their power,” she continues. “I don’t want to see Kan’s face.”
Aoyama says that some some clients are going so far as to carry Geiger counters with them to hotel rooms. “They’ll check the radiation level by putting it against the girl’s privates,” he says. (A.T.)
Source: “Fukushima shushin fuzokujo no hoshano sabetsu ga hajimatta, kyaku no fera kyohi ni Akita shushin to uso wo,” Shukan Asahi Geino (June 23, pages 184-185)