TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have launched an investigation following the discovery of a corpse in a residence in Taito Ward on Friday, reports TBS News (May 19).
At around 6:00 a.m., police received a call from a woman who claimed that she found the skeletal remains of her older sister were atop a futon in the residence, located in the Higashi-Ueno area.
Police arriving at the scene found the corpse wrapped in a blanket in a room on the second floor. Officers were unable to confirm the identity of the body upon arrival.
The woman who alerted police lives in the residence with her sister, 56, and brother. The woman and her brother have been out of touch with their sister for more than one year, telling police they thought she left the premises some time ago and never returned.
“I haven’t seen her for three years,” a neighbor of the residence is quoted by the network.
Police are now seeking to confirm the identity of the body.