TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police announced on Friday the arrest in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward of one suspect for the possession of large quantities of uncensored adult video DVDs, reports the Asahi Shimbun (Apr. 6).
According to the metropolitan police department’s Shinjuku Station, officers took manager Takeshi Komatsubara, 54, into custody for selling uncensored discs copied electromagnetically at the store Dragon@V in the Kabukicho entertainment district. Investigators on Wednesday raided Komatsubara’s establishment and seized 6,600 discs.
The suspect operated the business out of a rented space that did not utilize an advertising sign. Kabukicho attracts buyers of these types of DVDs, and this will not be the last bust of place attempting to evade detection by using a rented office space, police said.
Komatsubara started business in January, and in that three-month period he collected 1.5 million yen in revenue.
By law, films available in Japan are required to have genitalia properly censored. Further, changes in legislation made in July of 2011 regarding the sale of uncensored DVDs copied electromagnetically were enacted to prohibit sales.