TOKYO (TR) – On Friday at the Tokyo District Court, the prosecution said that it is seeking a six-year prison term for a man accused of severing the genitals of a lawyer last year, reports Nippon News Network (June 3).
The prosecution described the actions of Ikki Kotsugai, 25, who has admitted to removing an attorney’s penis with garden shears and flushing the organ down a toilet, as “bizarre and cruel.”
“The victim has lost his reproductive function, which is a serious health concern, and received mental distress,” the prosecution said while adding, “It’s a ruthless crime that was bizarre and cruel.”
On August 13, the defendant and his wife met the victim, who was 42 at the time, at his law office in Toranomon. After a brief discussion, Kotsugai began repeatedly punching the attorney in the face. With the lawyer nearly unconscious, the suspect then unzipped the victim’s pants and proceeded with the crime.
Just after the incident it was reported that the victim would require visits a hospital over the course of a one-year period as a part of his recovery.
Kotsugai’s wife is employed at the law firm. The defense argued that Kotsugai acted under a false claim by his wife, who said that the lawyer had “pressured her into a sexual relationship.” The defense is seeking an an out-of-court settlement with the victim and a suspended sentence.
Kotsugai, a one-time professional boxer, was a graduate student studying law at Keio University at the time of the incident.
The Tokyo native, who has been charged with assault and violating the Swords and Firearms Control Law, admitted to the charges. “In reflecting (on my actions), I have deep regret,” he said. “Starting now, I would like to get on with a new life.”
The decision in the case is expected to be made on July 5.