KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police on Wednesday announced the arrest of a 43-year-old male from Kamakura who faked a disability in order to molest teenage girls, reports the Sankei Shimbun (May 27).
On March 28 of 2011, Masato Tamakori, 43, is alleged to have fondled the body of a 13-year-old girl in the stairwell of an apartment building in Fujisawa City.
Tamakori, who has been charged with sexual assault, has denied the allegations, telling police he does not recall the incident.
According to police, the suspect encountered the girl, a first year middle school student, in the street. After telling her that he could not tie his shoes due to a handicap, he requested that she assist him with the task. He then lead her to the apartment building.
Police suspect that Tamakori used similar methods to molest more than 10 other young girls between the end of last year and April.
Police were lead to Tamakori after viewing security camera footage.