KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police have launched an investigation following the discovery of human bones under a rental unit formerly leased to a chiropractor, reports the Yomiuri Shimbun (May 7).
On Saturday, the male owner, 67, of the three-floor structure, located in Asao Ward, reported to police that drainage work beneath the ground floor had led to the discovery of what appeared to be human bones inside a concrete space.
Police working at the scene on Wednesday confirmed the discovery of a human skull, femur and clothing.
The space measures 5.8 meters in depth. Prior to the discovery, the space was filled with water to a depth of 1.4 meters. After pumping out the water, the bones emerged at the bottom.
According to a neighbor the unit had been leased by a chiropractor over a period of 10 or 15 years until last month.
Police are treating the case as the result of foul play.