KAGOSHIMA (TR) – Kagoshima Prefectural Police have arrested a man in the death a 67-year-old woman whose corpse was found in the residence they share in Isa City, reports TBS News (Mar. 11).
At approximately 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Mitsugu Tabuchi, 66, claimed to police by telephone that he had found Sayako Okuzoni in an unconscious state in their residence, located in the Hishikarimaeme area.
She was later confirmed dead by police arriving at the scene. Her body was found to be bleeding from several wounds.
Tabuchi initially told police that he found Okuzoni collapsed in the residence after he returned home. During questioning, however, he admitted to repeatedly striking Okuoni in the head with a stick on Tuesday.
Tabuchi was arrested on charges of assault on Friday.