KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police on Wednesday initiated a patrol through a red-light district of Yokohama as a part of preparations for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, reports Nippon News Network (June 2).
At approximately 2:00 p.m., about 20 police officers and city employees surveyed the shops and bars in the Koganecho district, located in Naka Ward.
In its heyday, the Koganecho area had about 260 chon-no-ma s businesses, which consist of a small store in which a woman lures passersby from beneath the well-lit doorway. Meaning “short-time room,” the practice is intended for the male patron interested in a quick session.
In 2006, law enforcement shut down the majority of the businesses in Koganecho. However, about 90 shops are still in operation.
Police intend to strengthen enforcement in the area such that illegal businesses will not be in operation at the time of the Olympics.