Officers from the peace preservation division arrested the two proprietors of “snack” club Mizuho, 57-year-old Masao Kosugo, who is a commander at the Akasaka Fire Station in Narita City, and his Taiwanese common-law wife, Chen Pin-ju, 43, and one other suspect for prostituting Taiwanese women residing in Japan on tourist visas — a violation of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act regarding illegal employment recruitment.
On November 3, officers discovered a 35-year-old women engaged in prostitution at the bar.
Chen has reportedly admitted to the allegations, while the other two suspects only acknowledged that the hostesses would allow customers to sit next to them.
Police were alerted to the situation on October 23, when a 50-year-old Taiwanese woman employed at the club sought help from a nearby police station. “On a sightseeing trip to Japan, I was coerced into prostitution,” the woman reportedly said.
Law enforcement is also investigating whether to also apply violations related to the Anti-Prostitution Law.
“Our staff member has betrayed the trust of the citizens,” a representative of the main office of the Chiba City Fire Station is quoted by the Sankei Shimbun (Nov. 5). “For this, we wish to offer a profound apology.”