TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have raided an apartment in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture that gang members are believed to have used as a base of operations for a fraud ring, reports Fuji News Network (March 26).
Police have accused Takahiro Yagi (42) and Shinji Kawaguchi (41), both members of the Kobe Yamaguchi-gumi, and two other suspects of running an operation known as tokushu sagi, whereby victims are targeted over the telephone.
All of the suspects deny the allegations, the Kitazawa Police Station said.
Thus far, police allege that the suspects used the bank card in the name of third party to withdraw 90,000 yen in cash from an ATM machine last December.
During the raid, investigators seized more than 20 mobile telephones, registers of names and an unspecified amount of kakuseizai, or stimulant drugs.