TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 37-year-old male temporary worker who is suspected in dozens of pickpocketing cases on the Keio Line since the start of the year, reports TBS News (Aug. 23).
At just past 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Yuya Kabashima allegedly stole a wallet containing 5,000 yen from a bag belonging to a woman, 24, inside a carriage of the train.

An officer on patrol apprehended Kabashima after observing him behaving suspiciously as he repeatedly rode the train back and forth between Shinjuku and Meidaimae stations. During questioning, he admitted to the allegations.
According to Keio Corp., which operates the line, there have been reports of 26 thefts inside carriages since January. Police are now investigating whether Kabashima was also behind those thefts.