OSAKA (TR) – Osaka and Kyoto prefectural police have arrested a former member of a criminal syndicate over the alleged possession of three guns at his residence in Osaka City, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Sept. 10).
At around 11:40 a.m. on July 8, police found Ryuji Tanaka, a 52-year-old former member of the Yamaguchi-gumi, to be in possession of the an American-made pistol and 5 rounds of ammunition in his right pants pocket at the residence, located in Chuo Ward.
Officers discovered the other two weapons and 25 additional rounds of ammunition inside a bag.

Tanaka, who has been accused of violating the Swords and Firearms Control Law, admits to the allegations. “I was paying off debt by looking after [them] for a friend,” the suspect was quoted.
Police searched the residence as a part of a separate investigation into an attempted blackmail incident. Tanaka is currently under prosecution for a violation of the Stimulants Control Law.