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Fukuoka: Woman dies after her bruised body found in parking lot

FUKUOKA (TR) – A woman died after her bruised body was found in a parking lot in Dazaifu City on Sunday, police said, reports Nippon News Network (Oct. 20).

At around 6:15 a.m., a male acquaintance in his 20s tipped off emergency services. “A woman in her 30s is not breathing inside a car,” he reportedly said.

Personnel arriving at a parking lot for an internet cafe in the Takao area found the woman, believed to be in her late 30s, inside the vehicle in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest.

A woman died after her bruised body was found in a parking lot in Dazaifu City on Sunday (Twitter)

The woman, whose body had bruises throughout, including to her legs and abdomen, was confirmed dead about 90 minutes later, police said.

The woman’s three male and female companions, aged in their 20s to 40s, told police that they did not harm her.

Police are now seeking the cause of death.