KANAGAWA (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police revealed on Friday that nearly two dozen counterfeit bills have been found at convenience stores and other locations in the prefecture this month, reports the Yomiuri Shimbun (Aug. 25).
One convenience store in the prefecture has issued a warning about 10,000-yen notes with a serial number that ends in 8589M as they are known to be counterfeit.
This month, police have become aware of about 20 cases where such notes have been put into circulation. Another convenience described the emergence of the fake bills as an “outbreak” in a separate warning.

In one case, a man wearing black cap pocketed the change after using a fake 10,000-yen bill for the purchase of a low-priced item, police said.
Fake bills have also been confirmed in Tokyo’s Koto, Sumida and Adachi wards and Saitama Prefecture.