TOCHIGI (TR) – A golf course in Otawara City raised a stink after it was fouled by hundreds of tons of runny pig poop that was illegally dumped in a forest by four pig farmers, who were arrested on Monday.
Tochigi Prefectural Police arrested four employees of farm Hirano on suspicion of illegally dumping some 800 tons of pig poop in a nearby forest in Minamikanemaru between September 10 and December 9 in 2015, the Sankei Shimbun reports (July 4).
All of the suspects admitted to the charges, except for Tomoyuki Uchida, 52, who told police the act was “unintentional.”
Police plan to question the farm’s managers about a possible organized poop-dumping scheme. The farm reportedly didn’t comply with the prefecture’s disposal directives.
TBS News reported the pig poop was in a runny state so some of it was streaming onto a nearby golf course, which had lodged complaints.
Hirano is based in Chiba Prefecture. The company is known for its Egao Daikichi Pork brand in which the swine are said to be raised in a highly controlled, healthy environment.