TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metro Police said that a 31-year-old man on Friday stabbed his wife before committing suicide by leaping from the balcony of their apartment, reports Nippon News Network (Jan. 9).
At approximately 8:30 p.m., a witness saw the man jump from the 13th floor of the 36-story Shinonome Jutaku building, which is located in Koto Ward.
Officers from the Wangan Police Station arriving at the apartment found the man’s 30-year-old wife on the balcony. Her hands and feet had been bound with computer cable. She also had been stabbed in multiple locations throughout her body, according to Sankei Sports (Jan. 9).
“I talked about separating, and my husband stabbed me,” the woman is quoted by police.
She is now receiving treatment at a local hospital. Her injuries are not considered serious.
About one hour before the man jumped, the woman had telephoned police requesting help.
Shinonome Jutaku is a building intended for government workers that has accepted evacuees following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011.