MIYAGI (TR) – Miyagi Prefectural Police have arrested a 50-year-old man for dumping a body believed to be that of his mother inside their home in the town of Shichigahama, reports the Sankei Shimbun (April 6).
At approximately 10:50 a.m. on Wednesday, police discovered skeletal remains likely belonging to Misayo Obata, 82, atop a futon inside a bedroom of the residence, located in the Kumano Minatohama area.
Due to decomposition, the identity of the body was not obtainable at the time of its discovery.
Police subsequently arrested Risaburo Obata, who lives in the residence with his mother, on charges of abandoning a corpse. “After my mother died, I left her corpse as is,” the suspect is quoted by police.
Government officials had not been able to contact the woman since July or August of last year in spite of numerous visits to the residence. One official accompanied the police to the home on Wednesday when the grisly discovery was made.
According to Nippon News Network (April 7), the suspect has told police under questioning that his mother died last August.
Police are now working to confirm the identity of the remains and determine the cause of death.