HYOGO (TR) – Hyogo Prefectural Police have arrested a 50-year-old stall holder for allegedly stabbing a man during a dispute at a Near Year’s festival in Nishiwaki City, reports TBS News (Jan. 5).
At around 1:45 p.m. on Monday, Keizo Miyashita, a stall holder on the grounds of the Naritasan Horinji Temple, allegedly stabbed a 41-year-old man in the abdomen with a knife.
The incident took place while many persons were on the grounds for hatsumode, or the first shrine visit of the year.
Police officers arrested Miyashita on Wednesday on charges of attempted murder. The suspect, who is an acquaintance of the victim, admits to stabbing him but denies an intent to kill. “He said some things about the woman I am dating to pick a fight,” the suspect is quoted by police.
After the incident, Miyashita fled the scene. He was later apprehended inside a vehicle in Hyogo, according to Jiji Press (Jan. 4).