MIYAGI (TR) – Miyagi Prefectural Police have announced that the corpse discovered earlier this month in Kurihara City is that of a teenage girl who had gone missing, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Sep. 27).
On Sunday, police said that a DNA analysis confirmed that the skeletal remains found in a wooded area near a vacant home in the Kurikomamonji area on September 12 are that of 17-year-old Mayu Shiratori.
Shiratori, a native of Sendai, had been living separately from her father. Upon the death of her grandfather in March, the family was unable to contact her and consulted with police.
Shiratori’s body was initially found by a male owner of the property. Her body had been concealed by leaves and two tires. It was clothed in white pants and a black top. No shoes were found at the scene.
It is believed that Shiratori died at a least a few months ago. Police are now awaiting the results of an autopsy to assess the cause of death.
In November and December of last year, Shiratori had lodged a complaint with police about trouble with her boyfriend.