TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have referred a YouTuber to prosecutors over a stunt carried out near JR Shibuya Station earlier this year, reports TBS News (Dec. 11).
Three times on the night of October 31 and the following morning, the male YouTuber, 42, ignored the red signal for pedestrians at the “Scramble Crossing” and stood in the street while vehicles passed in front behind him.
Despite the efforts of local authorities to restrict large gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic, many persons were in the surrounding area at the time to celebrate Halloween.
Footage of the incidents we broadcast live on his YouTube channel. Initially, he is shown among a throng of pedestrians as they cross the street. However, once the light changes to red he remains in the middle of the crossing. During one instance, he lies down on his back on the pavement.
On Friday, police sent the YouTuber to prosecutors for violating the Road Traffic Act. “I did it to increase viewers,” he told police in admitting to the allegations.