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Yakuza accused of threatening Akihabara maid cafe manager

TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a member of a criminal syndicate over for allegedly threatening the manager of a maid cafe in Akihabara, reports TV Asahi (June 10).

According to police, Taishi Yamasaki, a 44-year-old member of the Inagawa-kai, intimidated the manager of the cafe, then 29, into signing an I.O.U. for 2 million yen last November.

At the time, Yamasaki was dating a female employee of the cafe. “We both know you have your hands on a yakuza’s woman!” he claimed. “Yakuza don’t accept out-of-court settlements, they take I.O.U.s!”

Taishi Yamasaki of the Inagawa-kai (Twitter)

Yamasaki partially denied the allegations. “I only went to listen,” the suspect was quoted by police.

After the incident, the manager began paying off the I.O.U. in installments of 200,000 yen per month.