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Woman fleeing molester attacked second time inside unmanned police box

TOKYO (TR) – A woman fleeing from a molester in Katsushika Ward was attacked a second time after she fled to a koban police box only to find it unmanned, police have revealed, reports NHK (Sept. 17).

Early on Wednesday, a man used a bicycle to approach the woman, aged in her 20s, on a road in the ward. “You are cute,” he reportedly said before fondling her chest.

After the woman fled, the man pursued her. She then sought help at the nearby Minamimizumoto Police Box.

A woman sought help at a police box in Katsushika Ward early on Wednesday (Twitter)

However, the police box was unoccupied. After the man followed her inside, he molested her again.

According to the police box in question, such things as regular patrols and responses to incidents dictate whether an officer is on duty.

“The matter is currently under investigation,” a representative of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was quoted. “We are currently confirming circumstances at the time of the incident.”