TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 34-year-old officer for allegedly engaging in illicit acts with school girls he met through a so-called “JK business,” reports Kyodo News (Oct. 30).
On multiple occasions between April and June, Naoki Hiraide, a head patrol officer at the Fuchu Police Station, allegedly paid a total of 85,000 to two girls to engage in acts deemed obscene at hotels in Shinjuku Ward while knowing they were minors.
Hiraide, who has been accused of violating the anti-child prostitution law, denies the allegations. “That is not factual,” the suspect was quoted.

According to police, Hiraide met the girls through a business promoting itself by the abbreviation JK, which is short for joshi kosei, or high school girls. Hiraide emerged as a suspect after police in Saitama Prefecture busted another JK business that included the suspect on its roster of customers.
“This is truly regrettable,” a representative of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police was quoted. “We will endeavor to prevent a recurrence.”