TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a professor from the Kyushu Institute of Technology for allegedly stalking a sex worker in the capital, reports NHK (Oct. 29).
Between August and October, Hiroshi Kaneta, a 68-year-old professor specially appointed to the institute, allegedly sent dozens of emails to the woman, aged in her 20s, in which he pressed for her to become his girlfriend. “I want to meet you,” he reportedly wrote in one of the messages.
Kaneta, who has been accused of violating the Stalker Control Law, admits to the allegations. “[She] did not inform me clearly that she wanted me to stay away,” the suspect was quoted by the Machida Police Station in admitting to the allegations.

In June of last year, Kaneta met the woman at a fuzoku parlor where she is employed. After he repeatedly pestered her for companionship, the parlor banned him from entering this past February, police said.
Through information provided by a private detective, Kaneta learned that her residence is located in Machida City. On October 27, he arrived there by car.
After she realized that he was following her around, including to a nearby railway station, the woman fled to a nearby koban police box.
“[We will] respond to [the matter] harshly,” a representative from the general affairs department of the institute was quoted.