NARA (TR) – Nara Prefectural Police have arrested a 21-year-old woman for allegedly stalking an elderly female former colleague in Nara City, reports the Sankei Shimbun (Feb. 12).
Between September 23 and October 15, 2020, Kanako Kuriu, of no known occupation, allegedly sent 293 messages via text message that contained illicit content, including nude photos of herself, to the former colleague, aged in her 70s.
Kuriu also allegedly visited the restaurant employing the victim on February 10.
Upon her arrest on suspicion of violating the Stalker Control Act, Kuriu admitted to the allegations. “I still like her and sent a lot of emails because it’s a nice feeling to fawn over her,” she told police.
“I fell in love”
According to police, Kuriu was employed as a waitress at the same restaurant between the spring of 2019 and last February.
Last spring, Kuriu sent other nude photographs to the victim. Police later issued a verbal warning by telephone to the suspect.
After Kuriu visited the restaurant last June, the victim consulted with police.
“While growing up, I received a lack of love from my mother,” the suspect also told police, “but [the victim] showed that to me and I fell in love.”