On January 28, officers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police entered strip club Kabukicho T.S. Music, located in Shinjuku Ward, and arrested 41-year-old manager Kentaro Okano and 10 other suspects.
At the time of the raid, officers witnessed approximately 20 customers being entertained by six female dancers whose genital areas were clearly visible.
Among the performers, aged between 24 and 39, was an adult video star who has appeared in over 100 films. The suspects were charged with public indecency.
Evening tabloid Nikkan Gendai (Feb. 2) reports that Kabukicho T.S. Music, which opened in 1985, is a popular sightseeing spot for Chinese and Korean tourists.
The club reportedly collects approximately 200 million yen annually from Chinese visitors alone.
“Chinese couples will use Polaroid cameras provided by the club to take snap shots of the nether areas of the strippers,” says a person with knowledge of the matter. “These photos will then be posted on Internet sites once the customers return to China. The resale value for the photos is considered high.”
Nikkan Gendai says that Japanese do not enter the club as couples, and instead patronize the premises by going solo. But for Chinese tourists it is becoming fashionable.
“There is no stripping in China,” says a Chinese journalist. “Nowadays, to openly do inappropriate things abroad is considered cool. And since it is a part of an organized tour there is no thought about it being illegal. Rather, it is considered real Japanese culture. It’s the same as going to a ‘lady boy’ pub in Thailand.”
The writer says that once the photos are posted the consensus of Netizens is that the images most assuredly reflect the essence of the Land of the Rising Sun. In summary: “This is how the Japanese have fun,” the writer says.
Source: “Kabukicho no sutorippu tekihatsu chugoku kankokujin tsuaa kaku ni ninki,” Nikkan Gendai (Feb. 2)