CHIBA (TR) – Chiba Prefectural Police have arrested three teenage boys for allegedly stealing a vehicle that was impounded in Chiba City following an accident, reports TV Asahi (Oct. 26).
At around 3:00 a.m. on Wednesday, the three boys, aged 16 and 17, stole the car from a parking lot at the Chiba-Kita Police Station.
Two of the suspects admit to the allegations. The third suspect, aged 17, denies the charges, telling police that the vehicle belongs to him.
After the incident, the vehicle was found about six kilometers away in a parking lot in Narashino City.
According to police, the vehicle had been impounded as evident following an incident that resulted in injury on October 5.
“We will strive to prevent a recurrence,” a representative of the Chiba Prefectural Police was quoted by Fuji News Network (Oct. 26).