NAGANO (TR) – There male and female corpses were found in the same river in a mountainous area of Nagano City over the weekend, police have revealed, reports the Yomiuri Shimbun (June 7).
At around 4:10 p.m. on Sunday, officers from the Nagano-Chuo Police Station found a male corpse floating in the Susobana River in the Iriyama area near the Okususobanao Bridge.
The body, measuring about 175 centimeters in length, was clothed in a black hooded sweatshirt and trousers, police said.

That morning, the body of another man was found in the same river about 5 kilometers downstream in the Tsumashina area. He was clothed in khaki work clothes and black trousers. He stood about 174 centimeters tall.
The afternoon of the day before, the body of woman was discovered about 100 meters away from the body of the second man. She stood about 145 centimeters tall and was wearing black trousers.
Police are now working to identify the bodies. At present, police do not have any information that links the cases together.