OSAKA (TR) – The Osaka Prefectural Board of Education on Thursday announced a six-month suspension for a 29-year-old female high
school teacher who was working as a prostitute in her off hours, reports the Sankei Shimbun (May 2).
The teacher, who resigned on the same day, was reportedly working at a call-girl service that dispatched her to Osaka love hotels in order to repay two million yen in credit card debt she accrued from buying cosmetics and clothing.
“I send my apologies to my students,” the teacher is quoted as saying.
Between October of last year and April, the teacher earned 1.6 million yen in wages as a prostitute for the club, which used an obscured photo of her on its Web site.
“I was reluctant to join the sex industry,” she is quoted by the board of education, “but I was desperate.”
The revelations came to light after the board of education received an anonymous message at the end of March that included the name of the club and the teacher’s name.
“This is an unprecedented scandal,” a representative of the board of education is quoted. “We are deeply sorry for the trouble this may cause the students and their guardians.”