Between June and September, Yuka Fujisawa, 43, is alleged to have used needles and syringes to take blood from the genitals of three male customers, including a 52-year-old office worker from Hyogo Prefecture, while administering sexual services in hotel rooms in Osaka — a violation of the Medical Practioners’ Law.
Fujisawa, who told police she began performing “needle play” at a different club eight years ago, has reportedly admitted to the allegations. She added that the practice had become a service performed on a routine basis.
The three customers did not suffer any injuries.
Fujisawa was previously arrested on September 17 for violating obscenity laws after officers from the cyber crime division discovered images on the service’s Web site in which male genitalia was not properly obscured.
The most recent arrest came after officers saw that the illegal images displayed the blood-draining process and subsequent suturing.
According to the Mainichi Shimbun (Oct. 4), prefectural police seized syringes, needles, surgical textbooks, anesthesia and whips from the Osaka home of Fujisawa.