CHIBA (TR) – Chiba Prefectural Police have arrested a 30-year-old man for allegedly starting a fire that killed his former uncle in Funabashi City earlier this year, reports TBS News (June 5).
Early on April 25, Daigo Ichikura allegedly set fire to the residence of Kazuhiko Watanabe, a corporate executive, in the Motonakayama area.
Emergency personnel later retrieved the body of Watanabe from the ruins of the blaze on the second floor.
Ichikura was sent to prosecutors on Saturday morning on suspicion of arson and murder.
Police did not reveal whether Ichikura admits to the allegations. However, he told police that he “sprayed a liquid” inside the residence before starting the fire.
Investigators are now working to identify a liquid found inside the residence.
Police are now seeking a motive for the crime.