OSAKA (TR) – Law enforcement here on Thursday revealed the arrest of the manager of a popular ramen shop in Taisho Ward for the possession of marijuana, reports Mainichi Broadcasting System (Oct. 5).
According to the Kinki Narcotics Control Department, Yosuke Kajibayashi, the 33-year-old manager of Antaga Taisho, was found to be in possession of about 11 grams of marijuana — with a street value of about 55,000 yen — at the establishment.
The contraband was discovered in a cardboard box placed near where customers entered and exited the shop, according to the department. Another 0.2 grams of the drug was found inside a wallet belonging to the suspect.
“I started smoking about 5 or 6 years ago, often after work,” the suspect was quoted. “I kept it at the shop because I can not smoke at home.”
The shop has been featured in a number of gourmet magazines and on television programs. It is regularly praised for its dense soup.