AICHI (TR) – Two men suffered serious injuries after the lighting of a cigarette ignited a flammable gas inside a vehicle in Nagoya, reports the Asahi Shimbun (Aug. 5).
According to the Minato Police Station, a man, 25, driving a light station wagon started a fire by lighting a cigarette inside the cab of the vehicle at 3:10 p.m. on Thursday. The man and a male passenger, 22, suffered serious burns to their faces and other areas. They were subsequently rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Just prior to the accident, the driver had applied a cooling spray to his body. Police suspect that gas from the spray ignited and caused the fire.
After the fire began, the driver rear-ended two vehicles waiting at a stoplight, according to the Chunichi Shimbun (Aug. 4).
According to the National Consumer Affairs Center in Tokyo, similar accidents involving cooling spray take place across the nation. “At this time of year, the chances that (cooling spray) will be used increase,” a representative of the police is quoted. “I would like people to exercise caution.”