KYOTO (TR) – Kyoto Prefectural Police have arrested the director of an acupuncture clinic who is believed to have repeatedly molested a female patient under the guise of administering medical treatments, reports Nikkan Sports (Sept. 4).
At some point during a two-hour period on June 10, Shinji Sato, the 49-year-old director of the Kyotosato Acupuncture clinic, allegedly fondled the chest of the patient, a minor who was fully nude, while claiming the act was for gynecological purposes and part of a traditional Thai massage.
Sato has been accused of quasi-indecent assault. “If it is a sexual act with a person I have a fondness for, then I don’t believe it is an act of indecency,” the suspect was quoted by the Nakagyo Police Station.
Complaint lodged by parents
The girl began visiting the clinic once or twice each week beginning two years ago. She said that she began being molested about one year ago.
The matter came to light after the parents of the girl lodged a complaint with police later in June.