TOKYO (TR) – A group of six fraudulent land brokers posed as a woman in her 80s and sold her land and buildings to make over 70 million yen, police said on Tuesday.
The Metropolitan Police Department arrested Yasunori Miyata, 54, Hiroyuki Kameno, 52, and four associates for allegedly impersonating the woman starting in December 2012 and selling her buildings and land in Sumida Ward, reports TV Asahi (Feb. 14).
Police said Miyata has admitted to the charges, but stopped short of disclosing whether his associates have done so.
An acquaintance of the woman quoted her as saying, “My husband transferred all of this land to me before he died.”
Miyata and his associates are likely a group of fraudulent land brokers that impersonate victims and sell their land without permission, police said.
The group forged documents such as seal registration certificates necessary to sell land.