TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have busted an operation in the Kabukicho red-light district of Shinjuku Ward that sold pornographic DVDs deemed illegal, reports TBS News (Sept. 29).
Earlier this month, police arrested manager Toshio Ribira, 47, and three other persons over the alleged possession with the intent to sell of about 84 discs whose content is considered obscene at a shop in the district.
Under Japanese law, films are required to have both male and female genitalia obscured.
Police raided a storage room for the operation, located inside an apartment in Kabukicho about 500 meters from the shop, and seized 40,000 illegal discs.
In order to evade a bust by police, discs requested by customers at the shop were retrieved by an employee by bicycle, police said.
Since 2013, the operation is believed to have collected 77 million yen in revenue.