TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 59-year-old woman in the killing of her neighbor in Higashi-Murayama City, a crime dating back nearly a decade, reports NHK (Apr. 21).
Early Friday morning, police arrested the woman, who was not named, after the results of a DNA analysis of material found under the fingernails of the victim, 73-year-old Kimiko Tejima, proved to be a match for the suspect.
The suspect lives next door to the apartment of the victim, located in the Honcho area. In October of 2008, the suspect allegedly stabbed the neck and abdomen of Tejima inside the victim’s apartment.
The suspect, who has been charged with murder, admits to the allegations. “I did something terrible,” she said.
Police had previously conducted a DNA analysis. However, another test whose results provided the match was conducted in June of last year.
The suspect and victim were not acquaintances. Given that the suspect exhibited problems with her speech and conduct during questioning, police are assessing her criminal liability in the case, according to NHK (Apr. 21).