OITA (TR) – Ceiling a tad low, a bit of an odor problem but, hey, the low rent just couldn’t be beat.
At least that seems to have been the rationale of one man arrested by Oita Prefectural Police for trespassing into a public toilet in Usuki City that he called home for an extended period, reports the Asahi Shimbun (Apr. 14).
On Wednesday, an electrician doing repair work to the bathroom, located in Usuki Park, found the man living in an attic above the facility. Police and an employee from the city office arriving at the scene the next day found drink bottles, food clothing and magazines in the space.
The suspect is believed to have entered and exited the space through an access point for maintenance personnel. Upon his arrest, the man, believed to be aged between 50 and 70, said that he moved into the space several years ago.
The space measures about 92 square meters. A person can stand upright at its center.