TOKYO (TR) – Following the arrest of a representative director of a non-profit organization for molesting a disabled woman, Tokyo Metropolitan Police have applied fresh charges in a separate case, reports the Mainichi Shimbun (Jan. 27).
At approximately 6:30 p.m. on March 1 of last year, Hidechika Myoga, 38, allegedly fondled the chest and genital area of a mentally handicapped woman, 26, inside a second-floor bathroom of an institution located in Fuchu City.
Myoga, who has been charged with indecent assault, has chosen to not comment to police on the charges.
Earlier this month, police arrested Myoga for a similar incident that took place in November of last year.
The suspect heads Musashi no Fukushi-kai, which is a care and nursing center for handicapped patients. The center oversees the operation of institutions in Fuchu and Hino cities.
Staff members at institutions told Fuji News Network (Jan. 27) of at least four cases of abuse carried out by the suspect, including multiple instances of assault.