MIYAZAKI (TR) – Miyazaki Prefectural Police plan to arrest a 62-year-old man in the murder of the manager of a diner in Miyazaki City last month, reports Nippon News Network (Oct. 19).
At 11:50 a.m. on September 9, a male customer of the Ehira Yotsume Shokudo, located in the Ehira-Higashi area of Miyazaki City, found the body of Tatsuo Onishi, 65, collapsed and bleeding from the head in the kitchen.
Emergency personnel arriving at the restaurant confirmed him dead. An area of his head near an ear appeared to have been stabbed by an ice pick.
According to police, the suspect fled to Oita Prefecture where he stole a vehicle. He was later arrested and prosecuted in Niigata Prefecture on suspicion of theft. During the course of that investigation, the suspect hinted at killing Onishi.
Based on the condition of the body, which had experienced rigor mortis, police believe the incident took place several hours before the discovery.
The diner occupies three floors of a building. A sliding door on the first floor was found unlocked upon the arrival of officers. As well, the drawer of the register was open.
The suspect was scheduled to be sent from Niigata to Miyazaki on Thursday.