TOKYO (TR) – Kanagawa Prefectural Police on Monday announced the arrest of a manga artist for organizing an orgy in Tokyo that featured prostitutes, reports the Asahi Shimbun (June 29).
On Sunday, officers raided a hotel room in Shinjuku Ward and found four male customers engaging in illicit activities with three women from a fuzoku (sex-related) parlor. Police charged artist Takeshi Higuchi, 27, with violating the Anti-Prostitution Law.
Higuchi, who required a fee of 20,000 yen from each customer, has admitted to the allegations.
According to police, the suspect used Internet bulletin boards to recruit customers. Since the summer of 2013, he has organized orgies on approximately 20 occasions and collected five million yen in revenue.
Under the pen name “Soto,” Higuchi self-publishes comics in the genre known as moe, which roughly describes having a deep emotional attachment.