TOKYO (TR) – Tokyo Metropolitan Police have launched an investigation after an organized crime member blew off one of his fingers with a pistol in error early Monday, reports the Mainichi Shimbun (July 2).
At around 2:30 a.m., the 80-year-old member of the Inagawa-kai mistakenly fired the weapon while conducting routine maintenance inside his residence in the Okubo area of Shinjuku Ward. The left pinkie finger of the gangster was severed in the incident, according to police.
“While I was cleaning the gun, it fired accidentally,” the suspect was quoted by police.
During the accident, the gangster forgot that a bullet was loaded in the chamber and pulled the trigger. Afterword, he visited a nearby conveniences store in seeking help.
After the gangster receives treatment for his injury, police expect to arrest him on suspicion of violating the Swords and Firearms Control Law.